2008년 12월 21일 일요일

hais....project, project & more project!!!! project uhhhh....
back to bloggy......hais.....haven't finish my project yet.....sianz.....got 2 project to do....one is tourism and other is marketing plan..... den still got 3 presentation to do...... tourism, marketing and biz com....hais...recently still stuck at tourism.....finish my itinerary ler....but still have to do report....hais.... so many thing to type and do....argh.....recently, sick again.....hais....flu and cough.....sobs..... recently also "BANKRUPT" ler.....have to wait until next month den got money....sianz.....have to stay at home....sometimes do nothing de.....sianz de lor....hais, now only can wait for school reopen bahx.... hahas....if my class ppl see my blog sure tok i'm crazy de...ppl is dun hope for sch reopen but i'm waiting for sch reopen....hahas....lols.....hais, hopefully can finish my project within the deadline bahx....will update u guys soon....dasi bwayo!!! 다시 봐요!!!!

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오후 9:49]